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Where the Ocean Lies is a roleplay based off the Erin Hunter series, 'Warrior Cats'
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Willowstar |ShadowClan| Tumblr16

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Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyMon Sep 18, 2017 1:50 am by Warriorssuperfan

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Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyWed Jun 28, 2017 4:12 am by Badgerstep

» Bloodclan abandoned house
Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyTue Jan 31, 2017 4:59 pm by Maplefang

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Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyTue Jan 31, 2017 4:57 pm by Maplefang

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Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyTue Jan 31, 2017 4:55 pm by Maplefang

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Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyTue Jan 31, 2017 4:22 pm by Maplefang

» brindlestar of windclan
Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyFri Jan 27, 2017 3:53 pm by Maplefang

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Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyFri Jan 27, 2017 1:13 am by Wishflight11

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 Willowstar |ShadowClan|

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Willowstar |ShadowClan| Empty
PostSubject: Willowstar |ShadowClan|   Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyFri Dec 16, 2016 4:11 am

Willowstar |ShadowClan| Animals___Cats_Siberian_cat_outdoors_in_autumn_045664_
"Mother said it's time to go bed now, hush now little kit."
42 Moons//8 Lives
//Inside & Out//
Willowstar is a large cat, with long legs, and large ears. Her tail is long, and has a striped pattern of black, white, and a brown/orange. The pattern continues all over her except for her chest, and underbelly, which are plain white. Her fur is furry, and long, and she often grooms it. Her eyes are a gorgeous amber color, which fits in with her favorite season.

Willowstar is a understanding, intelligent cat. She doesn't say things for no reason, and lists reasons on why she thinks that. She will disagree with leaders often, and correct them. She asked many questions as a kit, and knows most answers now. She's a bit of a stubborn cat, too. She gets annoyed when people bother her, and they talk non-stop. She doesn't make unfair decisions, and tries to make the best decisions she can for her clan. She thinks the clan is pretty good on warriors and hunting. She thinks they will be strong in the harsh wings of Leaf-bare, and hopes the kits will, too.

//Likes & Dislikes//
Favorite Prey: Lizards
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Weather: Damp, with slight rain, and the wind blowing.
Disliked Prey: Snakes
Disliked Season: Summer
Disliked Weather: Barren ground, with no breeze, and the sun is very hot.
//Smells Like//
Damp Leaves
Fighting; 7/10 ~She may not be the best fighter, but she can fight for her clan.
Leaping; 10/10 ~Her long legs help her in many different ways.
Pouncing; 10/10 ~She doesn't do it often, since not many rogues, or clans attack her. But, eh, she's good at it!
Stealth; 7/10 ~She may be big, but she's often quiet and quick.
Speed; 10/10 ~She's quick, and her speed is good for fighting.
Stamina; 9/10 ~She's getting better every moon.
Swimming; 1/10 ~She doesn't like getting her fur wet.
Climbing; 7/10 ~She can get up easily.
Hunting; 4/10 ~Again, she doesn't do it often.
Smelling; 5/10 ~Average.
Tasting; 1/10 ~Everything tastes the same.
Hearing; 10/10 ~She can hear a mouse waddling around.
Touching; 5/10 ~Average.
Eyesight; 4/10 ~Is she growing blind?
//Digging Further//
Shadowstar //Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfather// //Founder//
Blackbreeze //Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandmother// //Founder's Mate//
Oakstorm //Father// //Deceased//
Maplemask //Mother// //Deceased//
//Deep Down//
Willowkit blinked in the sunlight, and warmth of the camp. Her whiskers twitched as she woke up. Her mother, Maplemask, licked her head, then pulled her close. "Morning, my deary. Do you want to go play with the other kits?" Willowkit giggled and nodded. "Sure!" She mewed, she waddled her way to the four kits playing with the moss ball. She yowled quietly as she got hit in the face with a moss ball. "Whitekit!" She mewed, picking up the moss ball and lunging it at Whitekit. "Haha!" Giggled Whitekit, he pounced on Willowkit, and they wrestled with each other playfully. Until Willowkit broke out of Whitekit's grasp. She scrambled away and back into the nursery, cuddling her mother, and falling asleep. Whitekit batted Willowkit playfully. She blinked. She was six moons! Her mother nudged her, and Willowkit & Whitekit padded into the clearing. They saw, the gorgeous Needlestar. She meowed, and asked Whitekit to come up. A few minutes later, Whitekit got his apprentice name, Whitepaw. His mentor, was  Vinemask. She purred with delight. Then, Willowkit was called up. She padded up, and gulped as her mentor was called, Tigerspot. She purred with her mentor, and touched noses. She flicked her tail as she padded down, and sighed. "Oh, am I not ready for my warrior life.." Willowpaw woke up to the scruffy sounds of her mentors babbling. "Ok, ready now, Willowpaw?" Tigerspot asked, he batted her tail like a kit. "Yes, I actually am, Tigerspot.." Willowpaw said with attitude, and opened her eyes, before stretching out. "Well then. Follow me to the training area. Where we will begin..." Tigerspot meowed, flicking his tail and padding away. Willowpaw rolled her eyes and followed him, silently mumbling to SoulClan. She stepped on the ground of the training area, where her mentor asked her to try hunting. He said: "First, crouch down, and make sure your legs are at a good position.. like that! Good! Now, wait for the right moment and pounce!" Willowpaw launched into the air and struck the ground, her claws becoming dirty. "Good... now, smell with your nose.. hunt for prey!" "I don't need my nose, my ears already hear a mouse squeaking for mercy by a rogue." She spat, she padded away and into the deep forest. Willowpaw crouched, her eyes lay on the mouse, but it began to grow blurry. Her grandmother was blind, and her grandpa wasn't. She suddenly waited. The mouse looked around quickly, trying to eye anything suspicious. Squeak! Willowpaw carried the mouse back to her mentor. This was her 46th mouse. This was also, her 5th day of training. More moons passed, and Willowpaw flinched. She was awoken by yowls, and meows, and things like that. She padded out of the den, and saw many cats gathered around something. She went over to it. "Excuse me.." She meowed, pushing her way through the crowd. She was touched by a paw. "Willowpaw.." Whitepaw murmured, "Needlestar.. she died.." Whitepaw told her in fear, he was shaking by the looks of it, so it had to be true. Willowpaw looked at him in shock, her fur pricked up as she heard a cat say, "silence!" She looked up. "I will head to the moonstone tomorrow to achieve my leader rank, Snakestar." He meowed, then continued talking. *Deputy Life* Many moons have passed since Snakestar had talked to Willowpool after the deputy, Blossomfang, died. Willowpool had now been the deputy, when suddenly she was awoken, again, by cries. She ran out, looking for signs. She suddenly saw blood, and heard anger roaring threw cats. Rogues. She sprinted to the nursery, luckily, the kits were safe. She realized the noises were coming from the leaders den... Suddenly, Willowpool was ambushed by Whitefern, who quickly apologized. She led him to the leaders den, and was frightened when she saw the rogues killing the leader, no, the leader was dead! Willowpool leaped on one of the rogues, and gladly took them out with the help of her clanmates. She announced she would go to the moonstone, and chose her deputy, ____. *Leader Life* to be continued

Last edited by Badgerstep on Wed Jun 28, 2017 4:12 am; edited 6 times in total
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Willowstar |ShadowClan| Empty
PostSubject: Re: Willowstar |ShadowClan|   Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyFri Dec 16, 2016 10:55 am

It's looking great so far! All I'm curious about is why she's only 4 at pouncing but 10 at leaping, they're basically the same thing. Smile
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Willowstar |ShadowClan| Empty
PostSubject: Re: Willowstar |ShadowClan|   Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptySun Dec 18, 2016 9:13 pm

In the history, the most recent leader was snakestar, but he was deputy during the time she was apprenticed, so instead of hawkstar, it's needlestar, but she would die later. (https://wtol.forumcroatian.com/t19-shadowclan-information)
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Willowstar |ShadowClan| Empty
PostSubject: Re: Willowstar |ShadowClan|   Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyWed Dec 21, 2016 11:22 am

#Bump @Badgerstep
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Willowstar |ShadowClan| Empty
PostSubject: Re: Willowstar |ShadowClan|   Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyFri Jan 06, 2017 10:20 pm

I know, don't kill me ;-;
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Willowstar |ShadowClan| Empty
PostSubject: Re: Willowstar |ShadowClan|   Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyTue Jan 17, 2017 11:31 am

Haha, it's fine, you didn't have to make such a long history lol.
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Willowstar |ShadowClan| Empty
PostSubject: Re: Willowstar |ShadowClan|   Willowstar |ShadowClan| EmptyWed Jun 28, 2017 4:12 am

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Willowstar |ShadowClan| Empty
PostSubject: Re: Willowstar |ShadowClan|   Willowstar |ShadowClan| Empty

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Willowstar |ShadowClan|
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