Where the Ocean Lies

Where the Ocean Lies is a roleplay based off the Erin Hunter series, 'Warrior Cats'
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  • Nothing has been happening in Thunderclan yet.

  • Nothing has been happening in Shadowclan yet.

  • Nothing has been happening in Riverclan yet.

  • Nothing has been happening in Windclan yet.

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» Audition Form & Guide
Free forum : Where the Ocean Lies EmptyMon Sep 18, 2017 1:50 am by Warriorssuperfan

» Willowstar |ShadowClan|
Free forum : Where the Ocean Lies EmptyWed Jun 28, 2017 4:12 am by Badgerstep

» Bloodclan abandoned house
Free forum : Where the Ocean Lies EmptyTue Jan 31, 2017 4:59 pm by Maplefang

» Bloodclan forest
Free forum : Where the Ocean Lies EmptyTue Jan 31, 2017 4:58 pm by Maplefang

» Bloodclan city streets
Free forum : Where the Ocean Lies EmptyTue Jan 31, 2017 4:57 pm by Maplefang

» Plot Ideas
Free forum : Where the Ocean Lies EmptyTue Jan 31, 2017 4:55 pm by Maplefang

» Windclan Camp
Free forum : Where the Ocean Lies EmptyTue Jan 31, 2017 4:22 pm by Maplefang

» brindlestar of windclan
Free forum : Where the Ocean Lies EmptyFri Jan 27, 2017 3:53 pm by Maplefang

» Windclan's Twin Hills
Free forum : Where the Ocean Lies EmptyFri Jan 27, 2017 1:13 am by Wishflight11

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Of the Months
She-cat OTM:

Tom OTM:






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Central European Time | Will be at 2:00PM 1st Monday of a month.
Clan meetings are held whenever the leader is available.
All is on schedule unless stated otherwise.

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Don't forget to vote for the OTM's! You can even add entries! | Check out the prophecy!

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~S E E O U R W O R L D~

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R u l e s & I n f o r m a t i o n

Here is where all the rules and information of 'Where the Ocean lies' is held.

  • Please read the rules, they keep the site safe and organized. If anyone breaks a rule, they will be given a warning. You get five warnings, after that, you will be banned from the site for a week. If you continue after and ignore the ban and warnings, you will be kicked off the site.
  • All information you need is held here. Confused on what this site is about or what's going on, just come over and read some of the topics. If your still confused or can't find what your looking for, just go post in the "Questions and Suggestions" topic.

1214Audition Form & ...
Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:50 am
Warriorssuperfan View latest post
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I n t r o d u c t i o n s

New to WTOL? Want to make some friends? No problem! Just come to the introductions topic, introduce yourself and meet new people!
  • Don't know how to introduce yourself and say hi? Just list a few facts about you and maybe someone will have something in common. If you want, you can just write your new here. We are sure of it that many people will say hello to you, we do love new members!

36Hi! It's me, oak...
Wed Dec 14, 2016 3:02 pm
Maplefang View latest post
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P l o t s & A l l e g i a n c e s

Here is where we have all the plots and allegiances written down!
  • Please do not spam the plots, but you may comment on them if you have any questions or concerns about it. The plot will be showing events that will take place in the role play. Please do not make your cat start the plot unless they are said to.
  • The allegiances show all the cats of the clans and who is in it. If any of your cats are not on here, changed ranks, had kits, got a mate or died, just comment below and any admin or mod will fix it.

11Prophecy of the ...
Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:14 pm
Maplefang View latest post
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F a r e w e l l s

Are you leaving or going to be on vacation? If so, come here and post about it, we'd love to know when you will be inactive or when you'll be leaving. If you will be leaving WTOL, you will be missed, but we are sure their is a important reason behind it!

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~J O I N O U R W O R L D~

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A u d i t i o n s

Here is where you can audition your cat for any of the clans, or as a rouge/loner.
  • If you don't have time to finish your audition, but want to save it, just add "W.i.p" to the title, which stands for "work in progress". W.i.p's last for a week, they are bumped every single day to remind the creator and if they aren't finished by the end of the week, they will be deleted. Although w.i.p's are a option, It's much funner to make auditions straight away.
  • High ranks are not to be made by new members. If you make a high rank, it can only be accepted by an admin, no mods.

39Willowstar |Shad...
Wed Jun 28, 2017 4:12 am
Badgerstep View latest post
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A c c e p t e d A u d i t i o n s

Here is where all your auditions, that are approved and accepted into the role play, go here.
  • Please do not post here or comment on any unlocked topics.
  • You can find all accepted cat auditions here, so search away if you need to find one!

1238brindlestar of w...
Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:53 pm
Maplefang View latest post
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A d o p t i o n & W a n t e d s

Here is where you can adopt or give away cats. You can also find a mate, mentor or apprentice for your cat as well!
  • When adopting a cat, follow all the rules from the member your adopting from. The member may choose who they are giving their cat away to, so don't complain how you didn't get it and how you asked first.
  • When finding a mate, mentor or apprentice, just post the name and clan of your cat, as well as the link of the audition. Make sure your audition is accepted before you do so.

14I need mentors f...
Wed Dec 21, 2016 10:22 am
Maplefang View latest post
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~I N T O O U R W O R L D~

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T h u n d e r c l a n

ThunderClan is a group of cats that live in a part of the forest that is primarily deciduous woodland.The founding leader, Thunderstar, got his name from how his mother, Storm, died in a storm of stone and dust, so by extension the name was thought to be given to the Clan.

910Thunderclan Camp...
Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:02 am
Maplefang View latest post
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W i n d c l a n

WindClan is a group of cats that live primarily on the open moors.The founding leader, Windstar, got her name from being able to run as fast as the wind, so by extension the name was thought to be given to the Clan.

933Windclan Camp
Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:22 pm
Maplefang View latest post
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R i v e r c l a n

RiverClan is a group of cats that live in a part of the forest that is primarily wetland, or shores of lakes/rivers/streams. The founding leader,Riverstar, got his name due to the river saving his life, so by extension the name was thought to be given to the Clan.

911Riverclan Camp...
Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:00 am
Maplefang View latest post
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S h a d o w c l a n

ShadowClan is a group of cats that live in the marshlands and pines of the forest. Their founding leader, Shadowstar, as the first ever leader prior to the group being named, so by extension the suffix "Shadow", so the extension of the name was thought to be given to the Clan.

99Shadowclan's Bou...
Tue May 24, 2016 11:02 am
Maplefang View latest post
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~A R O U N D O U R W O R L D~

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N e u t r a l t e r r i t o r y

Here is where all the neutral territory's are for role playing. This includes the gathering island and the moonpool.

  • The Island is an island in the New territories, just off the shore of RiverClan territory.It is called Littlepine Island by Twolegs.
  • The Moonpool is a round pool of water at the lake It is a sacred place where medicine cats and leaders share tongues with Starclan.

22The Moonpool
Tue May 24, 2016 10:08 am
Maplefang View latest post
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O t h e r t e r r i t o r i e s

Here is where you can role play your kittypets, loners and rouges in the 'Other Territories' forum.
  • Twolegplace is the general Clan term for cities, towns, and villages- locations where groups of Twolegs permanently live together with their kittypets, dogs, and monsters. The houses that make it up are known as Twoleg Nests to the cats.

  • Their are a couple forests, rivers and meadows here to role play your loners or rouges. Barns are also included as with camps and many other things,
  • BloodClan is a dangerous group of cats made up of feral cats from the Twolegplace. They are highly trained fighters, whose harsh lifestyle contributes to their strength and fortitude. They rarely show any signs of mercy to other cats.

1212Bloodclan abando...
Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:59 pm
Maplefang View latest post
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~O U T O F O U R W O R L D~

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D i s c u s s i o n s

Here you can talk about anything, just a post a topic and discuss away! :)
  • No spamming and no inappropriate content aloud.
  • Do not advertise here, their is another forum for that.

614High rank button...
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:47 pm
Maplefang View latest post
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G a m e s & F u n

Here is where you can post any games you want that members can play on the site.
  • No spamming and keep them appropriate.

11The GIF conversa...
Thu Dec 22, 2016 3:51 pm
Maplefang View latest post
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F a n f i c s & S t o r i e s

Here is where you can write down and post any of your fanfics or stories!
  • Keep them appropriate!
  • No copying other people's fanfics or stories, and please do not make fun of anyones stories!

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S h o w & T e l l

Got any talents? Can you draw well? Just post them here! These include videos and art!
  • Keep them appropriate!
  • No copying, tracing or taking any art as your own or any videos.
  • Do not comment mean things about the art or videos, keep your thoughts to yourself.

11Miscellaneous & ...
Mon May 23, 2016 1:04 pm
Maplefang View latest post
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A d v e r t i s i n g & A f f i l i a t e s

Here is where you may advertise your site and affiliate with us! Just fill the form and post it, any we can affiliate with you.

35Affiliate: Our b...
Tue Dec 13, 2016 4:31 pm
Maplefang View latest post
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~I N T O O T H E R W O R L D S~

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Dragon Realms

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Enter the Realms of the dragons. Become a knight/warrior etc. and choose a side! Fight dragons and battle enemies, fulfill quests and missions and even tame a few dragons!
(based off a bit from Elder Scrolls: Skyrim)

Roleplay Owner : None;Open

Moderator: Moderators
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Wolves of The Woods

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Wolves of the woods is a realistic wolf roleplay, no powers, no human-like things, etc. Wolf roleplays has a word count of 80 words minimum and is a serious role play about survival and packs. Please try to be realistic and appropriate.

Roleplay Owner: @Maplefang

Moderator: Moderators
77WOTW ~ How it Wo...
Wed Dec 21, 2016 11:21 am
Maplefang View latest post
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Of The Months~Votings

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Entry Suggestions

Here, you can make your own topic on entry suggestions you'd like to add.

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Votes & Polls

Here will be posted the polls that you can vote on for the "otm's".

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